We love your curiosity, and how affectionate, sweet, kind, and caring you are. You are so into everything right now...and everything is (or should be) yours. Secretly we think this is funny...but we won't tell you that ;) You are always there for a cuddle or a good play! We love hearing about what you are doing in Montessori. We know all there is to know about bones and muscles now. You are really going to show those other Kindergarteners next year.
Continue to be respectful, gentle, and kind to others. These are good qualities that will carry you far!
Robert and I are very proud of you and love you very much!!
Okay, I'm really behind on my posts...for good reason :)
I'm going to start where I left off with some pics of Hayden's 5th Birthday on February 11th. We had sooo much fun celebrating all the birthdays on this date. We drove up to P.A. and went bowling, and then on some rides and THEN Robert went with Sagelyne and Hayden on the bumper cars. After we retired to Grandma and Grandpa's house for some pizza and ice cream cake.
Hayden was all about monsters this year. He asked for a monster on his birthday cake and a monster truck for his birthday present. Well, actually, he asked me for a monster truck or a fire breathing dragon...whichever I could find.