I've discovered reading again! I haven't picked up a novel since February. I'm reading The Birth House. I've been waiting to borrow it. I usually only get one chapter read a night but it's nice :)
I've discovered The Good Food Box and Fresh n Local. We've been using both services for about a month now and I love them both! Hardly any grocery shopping for this lady and I feel that my quality of life has improved :) No more yelling at mean foreigners ;) The only thing I go out to grab is non perishables...which takes 30 min a week. I'm also an order/pickup depot for The Good Food box...so if anyone wants to know more just message me on FB! This also led to me filling my volunteering void. It's not much...but it's something that is easy and I have time for it. And it even makes my life easier since people come to me rather than me going to them.
I've been meaning to exercise and I do find time every now and then. But not enough time to make a difference. I have been losing weight...that's what three kids and breast feeding past three months will do for yah! But I do need to find a time to dedicate to exercising at least four times a week. Evenings after supper I'm exhausted...and I do enjoy lazing about in the mornings. I think I just need to commit and do it! Now that Robert is getting back into it, it makes me want to keep up. He can't beat me!
All small things but they all count! And I feel much better :)