Thursday, December 29, 2011

32 Weeks!

How far along? 32 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Still haven't been weighed ...and Ros hasn't either :) Not worried about my weight when you can definitely tell that the belly is growing! She does check me over though and tells me I look great (the same), and asks for any swelling problems... "nope".

Maternity clothes? I went and bought a couple things to wear to Christmas Parties :) I love that they just look like normal clothes now....mostly. I did find a pretty hideous formal dress that had a bow over the belly. Not my style. I think the lady helping me figured that out when I tried it on and I realized the tie went to the front rather than to the back :s Oh well, she was great help after that and found me a couple great outfits!

Stretch marks? Not yet.

Sleep: Still great! Lacking due to Christmas...but I don't consider lack of sleep due to fun to be a bad thing. All caught up now though!

Best moment this week: I love my appointments with Ros :) I leave feeling excited and sure of myself and abilities. I wish I could have her for all life decisions.

Movement: Tons! And now I can recognize sleep patterns. I totally get the reasoning behind why they sleep when you're moving and are awake when you're still...this guy will want to be rocked ALL the time :)

Food cravings: We now have a working fridge! Water, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables! It was a rough week of canned and boxed foods :s

Gender: I BLABBED!! Dad knows. It was completely innocent...and he's excited :)

Labor Signs: Nope...and there won't be until at least 37 weeks ;)

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

What I miss: I didn't go skating or tobogganing at Christmas. It's just not as fun when you can't go all out!

What I am looking forward to: Not having to go to work!! Only 14 more shifts!!

Weekly Wisdom: Have confidence in yourself and just do what you have to do to get it done! It's all about your frame of mind...which takes practice and work!

Milestones: Got our list of must-haves for a water birth from my Ros a.k.a. Nanny MacPhee. Now...Babymako must make it to 37 weeks to have one :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How far along? 30 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I stopped weighing myself :) Yay me!

Maternity clothes? Okay...maternity jeans are the BEST THING EVER!!! Why is it not okay to wear these when you aren't pregnant? Everybody looks great in's like having Spanx built into your jeans.

Stretch marks? Not yet...I thought I had one the other day...but it was just a crease mark from my pyjamas lol.

Sleep: Babymako is a rock star. Sleeps all day and parties all night. Usually, if I'm up for any length of time at's because I have a party going on in my tummy :) Just training me for the future I guess!

Best moment this week: I have two moments!
1) We went to a Labour Intensive class at Birth Rhythms on Monday. It was fantastic!! Totally picked the right class for us and what we want...which isn't easy to do because there is a lot out there..which is a good thing! I am impressed with how many options there are in Saskatoon to find what best suits you, your pregnancy and your delivery. You just have to do the research and educate yourself. So, yay for options! Anyway, Robert and I both left feeling calm and confident! The lady teaching the class was a doula and you can definitely tell what she preferred in terms of a birth plan...but you'll get some bias in any class you choose. But because she assists in any environment, she was able to give factual information that did not involve her opinion. She was really good at explaining all the different birth environments...home or hospital...and preparing you for what birth looks like in each environment and why. She went through what labour looks like, coping skills with your partner, and complications/interventions and why and how they choose each intervention whether you are at home or in a hospital. So good!! And we got a take home tool kit as well as homework. I left feeling like I can do it and I still feel like I can do it!
2) I got to go visit Ros a.k.a Nanny midwife. I love her lol. There is a HUGE wait list. I learned to appreciate her even more in the Labour Intensive class. The couple across from us are due Feb 19th and couldn't get in with the midwives!! They called at 8 weeks...they were disappointed and asked how early I had called...they also joked that I stole their midwife :s I literally peed on the the stick at 5 weeks...called a couple people...and then called the midwives!! They were only 3 weeks behind me!! I don't know what I would do without my I love her even more now lol.
It also makes me feel great knowing how many health practitioners know/admire her. My family physician, doulas, and an anaesthetist (my old nannying employer) so far. I have really been trying to get to know her because she gets around and I feel like she probably has great stories to tell :) And it's something I could NEVER I'm curious about her. Needless to say, our two week 45 min apt went to an hour :)

Movement: Lots at night, a bit throughout the day, and when I drink some nice cold water.

Food cravings: Water!

Gender: We are only protecting it for my dad now...everyone else knows lol.

Labor Signs: Nada

Belly Button in or out? In...and I'm scared to "try on the outtie" look anymore for fear that I'll try it and it will stay out.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

What I miss: Still drinking the Pure Blue Unwine. It makes me feel special and relaxed :)

What I am looking forward to: Maternity pics this weekend and my last day of work!! Submitting the paperwork this week :)

Weekly Wisdom: Have confidence in yourself and just do what you have to do to get it done! It's all about your frame of mind...which takes practice and work!

Milestones: Labour class...done! Mat pics...done!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Yeah, yeah, we got spirit!

Robert and I seem to have a bit more pep in our step and Christmas spirit this year. By the last weekend in November we had the lights up, tree decorated, outdoor decorations set up, and the indoor decorations were out too. Robert even had the Christmas music playing before I even thought about it:)

Sagelyne and Hayden are going to be spending Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day with us this year before we head out to Rosthern on the 27th. So, we enlisted their help with setting up the tree. It was fun! And they were very proud of themselves :)

I am going to admit that I'm more tired than I would be normally. I baked 4 dozen cookies for a bake exchange and needed some serious rest afterwards and nursed a sore back. So the extra help I've gotten so far has been much appreciated! The moms are coming over Christmas day to spend it with us and are even going to make Christmas dinner!! What a Deal!!!

I even ordered ALL the gifts from the Indigo Website! This website is fabulous!! I'll probably use it again and again...It seemed as though I had it all figured out until yesterday when Hayden was over for the day. Here is the scenario that I will leave you with as my desperate attempt to keep the Christmas spirit alive for a 4 year old, and not have to buy new Santa gifts ;) :

We arrive home from an outting and I notice some parcels on my front step. One parcel is in a plain brown box, the other is in it's original packing...Hello Plasma Car!

I tell Hayden to stay in the car while I run out of the car, fumble with my keys to unlock the door, and fumble with the awkwardly sized boxes, shove them in the office, and close the door. I was completely sure Hayden knew nothing...then as soon as I got him into the house...

Hayden "Can I play with the toys that were in the boxes?"
Shauna "What toys in boxes?"
H "The boxes that you ran into the house...they had toys in them...can I play with them?"
S "Oh those boxes! No, that was just garbage. It's so windy out today. It was just some garbage that blew onto our front step".
H "Oh, well where did you put the garbage?"
S "In the garbage can in the backyard."
H "Can I see it?"
S "No Hayden, kids that go looking through garbage get to go to their room".

Hayden looks at me as if he is completely and utterly confused. crossing my fingers that he'll drop it....and...."well, can I play with your iPhone?"

He bought it!! Or was so confused he didn't know where to go next!! Either way, success is mine!