Last week felt like a whirlwind of activities!
First of all....
I'm a horrible aunt and didn't get any pics of the celebrations but we made it to the Fun Factory for a "Glamour Party" and had a family birthday party at our house.
You are growing soooo much! It is crazy how much you have matured this year :) You are a great help with Will (I knew you would be ;) ). How can you not be great with babies when your number one career choice is to be a mom? (Although I have heard you start to mention "jail police" and teacher this year...cool!) You're gonna be a natural! You have also shown us how "in tune" with your emotions you are, and you are very good at expressing yourself. I know many adults that are unable to do this! (I'm not the best at it either). Keep it up! I'm so happy that you are expressing an interest in activities like art and choir. It's so cool being able to see the activities that you naturally gravitate towards. I can't wait to watch over the next few years and see who you will become. It will be fabulous for sure!!
To make up for lack of pics...remember these? We've had some fun you and I!!
I was also able to go on our bi-annual shopping trip to Humboldt's Cottage Boutique. This year we went after hours for a private shopping experience. Champagne, food, and clothes everywhere!! They are sooo good to us. Will was easy peasy that night and I got some great finds that I love:) I even got a couple things that I forced myself to try on...and ended up loving!
Last weekend my fav cousin Linda, Aunt Janice, and Linda's son Liam came out to visit us. I wish I lived in Calgary! I miss you all soooo much. Sometimes it is kinda lame being the only ones that live in Saskatchewan but it makes our time together that much more special. Linda may be back this summer!! Fingers crossed!! Did I mention that you're my favourite and I love you? I wish I could put words together so that people could understand lol. Thank you so much for helping on the weekend and reminding me that I just need to trust myself and my instincts. You're right! I have taken care of babies and children all my life! Even though it isn't quite the same...I still feel better remembering that I have done it and am doing it now :) Perhaps all those summers that you drove out to take care of me at my dad's rubbed off :)
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