Wednesday, June 27, 2012

4 Month Update

Four months!  Craziness!!

So far the four month growth spurt has lasted the longest.  Like clockwork, Will started the feeding frenzy on June 13th.  It is now the 27th and I think we are finally hitting the end of it.

I could sense a change was about to happen right before he started this last growth spurt and my spidey senses were right :)  I usually trust my instincts but this gets sooooo hard right in the thick of the growth spurt.  I think there were a few "OMG What in the world of F am I doing wrong?" ish texts that were sent out ;)

Here is our days lately....still finishing with a growth spurt...but a pattern is emerging and Will and I are adjusting.

6am-8am Wake up time

Eat and have a three to four hour break!  That's right!!



Repeat all I know he is still going through this growth spurt because sleep is currently negotiable and only lasts for short 30 min naps most of the time.  But he is content even with his lack of sleep.  Just like at 2 months and 3 months, this will work itself out.  If he goes for the 3 hour eating pattern I'll eventually get him to eat, play for 1.5 hours and then sleep for 1.5 hours.  That's the goal anyway...something similar to that.  Similar to his 2 hour pattern :)  It's coming:)  And once he gets it it'll be on to the 6 month growth spurt ;)

7:30pm Bath and story

8:30-9pm Off to bed and wake up every three hours to eat...but this will settle down again too.

He has learned a lot of cool tricks!  He can wave "hello", he can throw his arms up when someone yells "yay!", he is a huge fan of the exersaucer, he has started to pull on tails, he is VERY chatty and smiley, if he's fussy it means he is tired or hungry or just wants to cuddle (thank goodness that has never changed...I am sooo lucky!), he can stand barely supported...but refuses to roll and is enjoying tummy time.  Even creeping a little.  He is sleeping anywhere, we have been smiling at strangers and learning to laugh at loud noises. He has squeals and big belly laughs.  Especially when you play the drums on his tummy.  He is grabbing things and has a huge look go accomplishment when he gets his Obi Ball.  He loves to suck on his fingers...particularly his thumb and has started putting himself to sleep this way.

UPDATE:  We have intentional rolling and creeping on his back/side.  Think of The Homer ;)

We are excited to take him to the lake this weekend!

Despite the ups and downs and inconsistencies of a growing baby, I can say that he is definitely happy and feels secure.  Which is all I can ask for :)  Whatever works as long as we're all happy there isn't a problem...sometimes I need my other moms to remind me of this ;)

1 comment:

  1. those babies keeping us on our toes! I always think as soon as I get used to something, M learns a new trick and we adjust the routine again.

    Sounds like Will is doing wonderfully thanks in big part to his Momma, you are doing awesome!!
