So, yesterday evening I found a sparrow sitting in my garden. He is still sitting there this morning. I don't know if he is a baby or not...or if he's hurt. He isn't flying but I know he can at least walk a little because he is curled up in a different spot.
Why oh why must I love all living creatures?! I have been up since 5am wondering about the little bird and finally caved at 5:30am to go and check on him. Gah!
Anyway, if he's a baby, I hope his parents find him soon. I read on a bird rescue website that if they don't show up in 24 hours....he's a goner:( I can't just leave him there to waste away!!
So...if they don't show up...I'm going to build him a nest...yup. I was reading on this website that sparrows are not a protected bird. If they die, they die :s I also don't want it to be in my house. Anyway, I was reading on this website that you can build them a little "nest" and wire it in a bush (we have tons) and provide them with bird seed and water until he can fly again. It's only June so maybe he'll be able to fly come fall?
I have an aunt and uncle that are Buddhists and also enjoy bird So I left them a message on what to do. Makes sense to me...aren't they supposed to love nature and know all things about it ;)
Why can't I just be one of those people that was raised on a farm (sorry to anyone raised on a farm...they just seem to be able to accept the harsh realities of life and death and animals better) and just accept the fact that maybe it is this birds time and go on with my day "dope dee dope".
I am going to worry about this all day. At least Sammy the Sparrow is sitting in my front garden so I can keep a close eye on him. ....I just realized that I named him already...not good.
Update! Sammy is gone! His mom must have saved him:)
ReplyDeleteGood for you!!! I wouldn't want him to die but I'd be too scared to go near him.:s So now if I ever have a bird issue like this, I'm calling you!
ReplyDeleteHURRAY! He might've just been practicing flying? I know my mom often has to watch out for the baby robins in their transition stage between "holy moly I'm outta the nest" and "whoa. now what? How do I follow mom?". Yeah for growing wings and learning how to fly :)
ReplyDeleteOh my! I read this and was panicking right along with you!