Last Sunday (January 8th, 2012) was our baby shower!
It was lots of fun and I was fortunate to have two great friends plan the whole thing for me (Josie and Chelsea!) :) It was really awesome to be surrounded by my family and closest friends and to feel all of their support, love and excitement.
Robert and I are still organizing baby clothes into age groups, storing, and testing out toys and baby equipment...which isn't always the easiest to figure out lol. Nothing like being confused setting up a toy for a newborn to make you feel a bit inept lol. But we got it figured!
Anyway, we forgot to take pictures...so imagine SPRINKLES! The theme was "Sprinkled with Love".
That's all for now! I never did post about Christmas...picture busy...packed house...kids up at 30 minute intervals from 11pm to 4am...(I think I was scary enough at 4am because they didn't come out of their rooms again until AFTER me at 7am!) We had lots of fun opening Santa presents and playing with Plasma Cars! Our families came over for more gifts and a potluck...then some boardgames and stories to end the night :) ...and no pictures! One day we will use our fancy camera lol.