Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Sometimes things just work themselves out :)

Hayden's teacher called me to have a little chat.  I was so pleased to hear what she had to say.  She said that she really enjoys having Hayden in her class, that she appreciates his insightfulness, and did admit that he is just too "gosh-darn" cute.

I was soooo relieved.  She said that Hayden has done a complete 360!  She feels like they have some mutual respect for each other...and she now takes the headset off when speaking to him directly!  Hayden loves this!!  He feels like he can talk to her now.

We have a plan to foster Hayden's insightfulness, intelligence, and independence.  We're both worried that one day he will conform and those will disappear.

I'm so happy we found some balance and my Hayden can stay who he is...with some tweaks to make life easier for Mrs. K ;)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Don't beat out of a boy...

...what you would admire in a man.

The quote goes something like that.

Sometimes your kids surprise you.  Actually, your kids surprise you every day.

I always thought that Sage would have a tough transition at a new school.  But her desk isn't front row centre (a first!), she plays with her friends every recess, and she isn't on a reward program for behaviour.  Yay!!  It helps that she possibly has the best teacher ever!!  Seriously...this girl lucked out.  She is young, pretty (which doesn't matter to me...but matters to a girl who likes shiny things), full of energy, is great at making kids take responsibility for their actions, great at being right on top of any issues that may need parental involvement, incredibly positive and supportive when it comes to learning new concepts and she never scolds children in public...I could go on.  This lady blows my mind.

Hayden is having some problems.  My outgoing, cute, friendly, loving Hayden.  It probably doesn't help that Robert and I did not get a good vibe from his teacher right off the bat.  To be fair we did meet Sage's teacher first.  So it would be hard for any teacher to rise to that expectation lol.  She is older, she is cynical and sarcastic, often makes jokes at the children's expense...I don't find it funny.  I'm a strong believer that if you call your child a brat, your child will believe they are a brat and act like one.
She wears a headset.  No one in the class is hearing impaired.  I understand that a class of 25 five year olds is insane...I couldn't do it.  I become skeptical when I see the headset.

I get concerned that it is a power trip and will be used inappropriately because of the teacher being in a position of authority.  And in this case...why should you be respected?  I like that he questions authority and he understands that he needs to respect authority figures as long as they are adhering to their roles and institutional rules...but when it's abused he tunes out.  Do I blame him? I'm more impressed that at 5 he understands what it means to abuse power and that respect is earned not demanded.

She never turns it off.  Even when speaking to them one on one.  Even when scolding them.

Hayden had been going to Montessori since the age of three.  I love Montessori.  They are encouraged to explore, to learn what they are naturally interested in learning, they encourage natural consequences. If there was a Montessori on the West side...they would be there.  He really thrived in this environment.
And honestly?  Why would you pay upwards of $800 a month to daycare when they could be going to a learning environment for $575 full time...every day...with before and after care...and when the teacher is sick they call a sub.  I want one closer to home.

I think with the all the adjustments of a new home and completely different school...he is struggling.  It's all new.

How do I find the balance of encouraging Hayden to be an individual, and to question authority (qualities that I admire about him and would admire in a man and am amazed that he is 5 and has them), while getting him to fit in and make it in a new theory of learning and new structure.  I'm not upset with the public school system...there are a lot of factors going on here.  It's just very different from what he is used to.  They do what they can...but is it appropriate for this child?  And how do I make it so?

Where is the balance...

Friday, October 19, 2012

7 Months!!

Okay.....Will is 8 months.  Once again I'm behind.  But here are his 7 month accomplishments!

Date:  Sept 13th, 2012

Age:  7 Months

Some of your new friends are:  Malcolm, Finn, Leo, Auntie Chelsea, Auntie Josie, Rachel, Amanda, Hayden, Sage, and Issy!

Relatives that have paid a special visit to you are:  Grandma and Grandpa Routley, Auntie Sandra and Uncle Kal, Uncle Brent and Auntie Kristi, Aunt Janice and Linda and Liam, Michelle and Jim Clunie, Shamus and Nigel and Samson Clunie.

You have taken a particular liking to:  Sagelyne and Hayden, as well as your Nana.  Probably because she looks and sounds like mom.  She can hold you the longest so far :)

We can tell your coordination is progressing by the way you:  Move around just a tiny bit when on your tummy...but really....who crawls.  You'd rather walk!  So, you prefer to stand and cruise a little bit in the living room.  You also really enjoy playing with your Ball-cano and still love your exersaucer.  You can balance quite well when standing.  It gets better every day.  Today you just stopped yourself from falling over!  Quite the accomplishment.

The sounds you make include:  La-la, ma-ma, va-va, da-da, ga-ga, razz berries, clicking your tongue, ta-ta, na-na, fa-fa, the "crowd cheering" sound, growling, giggling, and sometimes your dinosaur squeals.

You have become so receptive.  We are teaching you to:  Pull yourself up to a standing position, move around on your tummy, hold food and put it in your mouth (you really aren't keen on putting objects in your mouth like some babies are...and that's okay with me!!...although it would be nice when those teeth are bugging you...;)).  To bend and sit from a standing position, and how to pick up your toys when you drop them while standing.  Lots to do!  We are having so much fun with you!!

So....when do first words start?  Does it count that he'll be making a baby sound and then look at me and bust out a "mmmuummm!!"  This has happened on more than one occasion:)

Monday, October 8, 2012

The naughty and nice thanks list ;)

I am grateful for many things!  Here is my list....I lost my halo for some of them...

I am grateful for the berry hues of fall make up.

I am thankful for fall fashion.

I am thankful for the Humbolt shopping trip every October with Josie and Carey :)

I am thankful for my Sweet William.

I am thankful that I have a house to dwell on and endlessly work on, I am thankful that I can go out and blow our budget on groceries and make delicious meals for my family, I am thankful that I have three beautiful children that I can keep clothed (even sometimes stylin) and warm.  I am thankful that I have three smiling, happy children that get to live and do what kids do and have the freedom to do what they want to do.

I am thankful for my husband.  We have been through so many trials early on in our relationship and we made it.  We feel like we can take on anything. We don't take ourselves too seriously.  No matter what...at the end of the day...we are best friends and that out weighs anything else.  That alone makes everything else not matter because we are happy together and we have each other.  We can play and have fun together every day.  I always knew that Robert would be an amazing father...he had a great example.  He can act like a child, he can play, he can listen, and we trust each other fully when it comes to parenting decisions.  I can go on but I'll stop here.

I am thankful for coffee and my Keurig.  I truly admire people that can survive the day without coffee.  You are definitely better people than I am.  I cannot survive.

I am thankful for my blog.  It allows me to say what I cannot in person.  Things that I wish I had time to say.  Things that get lost because of all my thoughts running through my head every day.

I am thankful for fall and spring.  I love the seasons of change.  I am a little leery of them as every now and then they bring change that we don't want.  But even those changes have led to new chapters and a lot of good.  They have made our family stronger.  These seasons have typically been filled with good! Baby announcements, weddings, growing families...

I am thankful for my friends that I don't see nearly enough of!

I am thankful for Starbucks and Cravings and Winners...my guilty pleasures.

I am thankful for brunches with Beth and lunch dates with Chelsea.

I am thankful that my kids are active, competitive and like sports.

I am thankful for a community that supports us in adding S and H to our family.

I am thankful for all the moms and dads in my life that have supported me and all of my questions!s