Friday, July 12, 2013

Set backs

I'm being pretty hard on myself today.

I'm a week away from my first 20 min run and my knees are hurting.  Yep.  They have been throbbing for a week.  Which means I haven't run for about a week and I'm frustrated.

Tonight I ran anyway.  I don't care if it hurts.  Maybe it needs to hurt to get better?

I feel like I've been plugging away at this couch to 5k thing (not on a very rigid schedule :s) and I do not look at all how I thought I would look.  I look the same.  Although that idea has been argued to the contrary by my loving and understanding hubs.

I feel like my arms and lower legs are better.  But I still have the flab of skin that is supposed to by my stomach and saddle bags at the tops of my thighs...and my weight hasn't changed at all.

I know you aren't supposed to look at the scale but I'm desperate for encouragement.  I'm trying...but it's not enough I guess.

Blah.  Whatever.

How's that for a pic me up blog post!  Go eat some ice-cream now.


  1. Do you have a foam roller? You can roll your IT band, quads, and hammies and it might help your knees a bit. Bonus is that it feels fantastic! I use mine all the time, even now that I'm not running.

    Also...hate to say this...but I never lose weight running :S Weight training and diet monitoring are the only thing (in combination with cardio/running) that move the scale for me. Sucks.

  2. Oh we do have a foam roller! I will try that!

    I think I'm going to start TOPS again. They have food exchange cards that helped me with portion sizes. I'm not too worried about the quality of the food I eat but I think the quantities are way off. There are some days I'm so busy I forget to eat and then binge at supper :s

    I'm telling myself that strength training will start once I reach a week! Yikes!
