Thanks for the name Ryan! It is very fitting this time around!
This little one is just over halfway here and I have barely noticed a thing now that the sickness and weight gain have slowed. My initial tip off that we may be having another was the quick 10 lbs that came and would not disappear...and then the sickness kicked in. Luckily the midwife (Ros again!) was right and the weight gain has slowed and the sickness has slowly disappeared.
The first half flew by! You are coming into a very busy house! No one sits ever and we often employ the grandparents on a daily basis. But it is fun, exciting, noisy, and there is always something (if not multiple things) on the go. You will be entertained!
Your siblings are anxiously waiting! And so are we! Sage cannot wait and has already offered to just take care of you all the time ;) Hayden is excited but not too sure about what to do with a baby. He hopes that you are a boy and that you are born a 6 year old ;) Will knows that something is up. His extra clinginess has tipped me off that he knows changes are happening. He will most definitely be curious about you, and help mom. He has been practicing by rocking the baby chair, wrapping up his babies, and giving them bottles :)
You will be loved!
We definitely feel more relaxed about having another one this time around. It is incredible the difference between first and second baby! It is so nice to be able to relax about it and still be so excited!! Rather than the excitement and nervousness that comes with the first...although that has it's good points as well :)
You are so different from William already. I rarely feel you move. I am almost 21 weeks and every now and then I feel a little flutter. But everything is a ok. Things are just situated different this time! You are so active that we could barely get a picture of you, and you wouldn't hold still to tell if you are a girl or boy. This activeness along with the inability to actually feel you move has landed you with the temporary name of Ninjamako!
I haven't prepared anything just yet. I think we'll wait until the third tri to start prepping your nursery, and collecting all our newbie baby items etc.
Even though the first half has gone by quickly, April still feels so far away! Can't wait to have you here!
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