Saturday, September 29, 2012

I do know!!

The other day, Hayden brought home a paper for Robert and I to fill out from school

It was from his teacher and she wanted us to write down little facts about Hayden that would be beneficial for her to know.  

I felt horrible at first. It took me about a week to fill it out and hand back to her. Both of their teachers know that they are adopted. The hard part was realizing that as much as we hung out together before they lived with us...we are still getting to know each other. 

I stared at the paper for days trying to put together the best words to describe Hayden.

Hayden is working on listening and following instructions.
Hayden LOVES going to school.
Hayden is in swimming lessons, speed skating, and guitar.

And then...something clicked...

Hayden gets tired and can become VERY stubborn. We are trying to teach him to use this power for good and not evil.
Hayden is really good at making friends. Even if you try to make a conscious effort to not be his will be. 
Hayden is carefree and this makes him hilarious! I'm not worried about peer pressure at all with this boy.
Hayden loves to hold hands.
Hayden will take time out of his day to make sure,you are happy and are having a good day yourself.
Hayden is very affectionate.
Hayden will often stop whatever he is doing, no matter how much fun, to snuggle and tell you that he loves you. These moments are often at random:)

So....I do know a little something about Hayden.


  1. That is SO sweet! What a great little guy! And those little wonderful things are what really matter and make everyday worth getting up in the morning :)

  2. AND those are wonderful things for a teacher to know! :)

  3. This post made my heart swell!
