Sunday, September 9, 2012

A tiny glimpse into our every day family life!

A wee update about us and what our back to school schedule looks like!  We made it and it was easier than I expected.  I'm not on here much!  Honestly, when I do have time to myself I don't think about going on the internet.  I haven't checked my email in months.  It usually takes me two days to get around to sending an email.  It's usually shower, tidy, coffee, and watch a few minutes of The Newsroom :)

I know babysitting is nothing like having your own kids.  But I did nab some ideas from when I was a nanny for the Clunie family.

Here is a quick peek...Hayden has school Tuesday, Thursday and alternating Fridays!  Those are the days that I can do things like go out with friends and really get lots done!  I love my kids but yay for school! ;)

6-7 am Shauna showers

7 am Kids wake up, get dressed and have breakfast.  No breakfast until everyone is dressed.

730 am Brush teeth and hair.  Make sure back packs are ready to go.  And then free time.  No TV.

835 am Sagelyne walks to school.  She leaves 5 minutes ahead of us because she doesn't want to walk with us anymore ;)

840 am  Hayden, Will and I walk to school

930 am Will has a nap, I tidy, shower if I didn't drag my ars out of bed at 6 am, have a coffee and watch a few minutes of tv.

10 am Hayden has snack if he is home from school

1030 ish am Will usually is up from his nap.  We have now until noon to get any errands done or have play time...or both!!

12 pm lunch

1pm Hayden and Will have naps...and me too after I tidy and workout ;)  Wake up and play!

3pm Will and I pick up Hayden from it cool if we happen to run into Sagelyne and let her walk home by herself :)

330 pm Afternoon snacks for Sagelyne and Hayden

4pm Will has supper

5pm The rest of us have supper...unless it's a speed skating day, swimming day or music lesson day lol.  Then supper time and bedtime prep is a wee bit shuffled.  But bedtime sure isn't :)

630pm Bath time, story time.

8pm Bedtime!

9pm My bedtime!  After I make lunches, tidy again, and have some time to myself :)

It's busy but we love it!  And it's FUN!  I always knew that the best time of my life would be when I was a mom of three or four...and I was right :)


  1. Holy smokes--you are a champ!! What workouts can you do that fit in during nap time?

  2. Any 20-30 min workout I can think of and fit in! Sometimes walking to and from school has to count:s
